Dr. Xufeng Yao

Dr. Xufeng Yao

Vice Dean
School of Medical Imaging, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, China
Speech Title:

Biography: Dr. Xufeng Yao works as a professor, doctoral supervisor, vice dean of the school of medical imaging, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, China. Once, he received his bachelor in medical imaging from Shandong First Medical University, and graduated from Fudan University for his PhD in biomedical engineering, and was a post-doctoral student in optical engineering at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China. He was also appointed as a permanent member of the committee of life electronics branch of China institute of electronics society. His current research interest focuses on artificial intelligence in imaging and omics for medicine. He won about 10 funds of national science foundation of China, Shanghai natural science foundation, China postdoctoral foundation, innovation fund of Shanghai Education Commission, etc. Recently, he has published more than 40 academic papers and reviewed for some SCI journals and international conferences. Till now, he has trained above 20 graduate students.